jueves, 30 de abril de 2015



Resultado de imagen de refugio de mascotas Why is adoption better than buying?                 
                   Adoption is better than buying because when you adopt a pet it doesn’t matter if it is a dog, a cat or any other animal you are giving it a second opportunity because they are living at that shelters is because, before, they had been abandoned and they had to live on the streets. By contrast if you buy, for example, a dog, you are giving your money to a breeder who is breeding the dog you want, that’s not bad, but if you can safe an animal, and, with your money help other animals, why are you going to make someone to “create” a dog for you?

Animals at home


Our own pets
    I have a dog called Pipo; he’s one year old and loves play with me. I took him from the shelter in my town, he was going to be sacrificed because he had a problem in his legs and they didn't have medicine or space for him. We take him to the vet and give him some vitamins and now he is healthy and big.

Favorite pets
                I love animals and I would like to have a pet, but not a fish or a turtle because you can’t play with them.  I would like to have a parakeet (that is also called lovebird), or a cat. I’m scared of snakes and spiders so I’ll never have one as a pet.


                We can’t have any cats or dogs at home because my mother is allergic to animal’s hair, we can neither have a bird because it would mess around with its feathers. We may have a fish and, actually, we have two fish, but they are very boring. When I grow older I’ll maybe have a pet.

Resultado de imagen de mascotas tiernasResultado de imagen de mascotas tiernasResultado de imagen de mascotas tiernas

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Cool Creatures


 The giraffe is a ruminant animal that lives at the Savannah. It has a very long neck to reach the leaves at the top of the trees. It drools a lot because, being a ruminant, it is chewing all the day.
One curious fact is that this cool animal has an extremely long tongue (around 50 cm), so they can clean any orifice on their body with their tongue.



Flies are those annoying flying insects that appear in the warmer months. Land on our food after having been perched on feces, eating them and then vomit all what they have eaten over our food.
But their maggots are good, they are used in medicine (after being sterilized) to eat the dead flesh wounds of patients.


Worms are a few simple, elongated animals. One of the most common worms is dust worm that eats soil and makes holes in it so that when it rains, the water reaches lower layers.
 But there are also worms that live in water, they are called leeches, and if they live in the sea are called nereids. The latter are very curious because if you cut off the worm, it will continue swimming, each part in its own way.



Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that can do almost anything without legs.

There is a great diversity of snakes ; there are from 10cm to 10 or 15 meters , can be land or live in water , can be poisonous or not having poison ...